Marketing a product is usually a long drawn process in any business establishment. Mere creation of a product is only half the battle won. Consumers become aware of the commodity only when it floods the market and starts selling like hotcakes. Reaching that point is usually an arduous task for many industries. Improper marketing can also make the coveted produce bite the dust and go from riches to rags. In such a cut-throat world where they have to face a tough crowd, boosting sales is quintessential for any company.
Marketing does not have to be only through expensive ads placed all over. With a vast wealth of information available on the internet, email marketing can be used for targeted advertising. A good email signature, you can quickly adapt to several sales goals.

Free Office 365 Email Signature
Free Office 365 Email Signatures manager allows you to centrally manage email signatures.Consistently deliver your brand-compliant Office 365 Email signatures company-wide.In this article, we will let you know how to use e-mail marketing to boost your sales.
Understanding the importance of an email. According to statistics, one-third of the global population communicates through Email. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with your clients. It helps you improve your profitability. A unique e-mail signature markets itself which can include upcoming events, mega discount offers, throwaway prices for holidays like Christmas. Who would not have heard about Black Friday sales making it a runaway success
Implied marketing rather than forced marketing. An example of a forced marketing is spam mails which we all hate. These mails swamp our mailboxes almost everyday and there’s even a filter designed to it. We really don’t want to buy a product we didn’t wish for, do we? On the other hand, one can use the flexibility of the language to craft a clever message and let the buyer decide on their own. For example, an organization can provide useful newsletter tips to subscribers every week and include an e-mail signature with banners which automatically sells their product. The seller is not being forceful here which makes it an implied marketing.
Real-time Email signatures. It is essential to update signatures in real-time based on your recipient. If the signature is managed centrally, the banner and content should be updated based on your recipient’s name. This can be achieved easily through rule-based filters. Target audience interests should always be kept in mind. If you are interacting with a company’s sales team, your email signature should include offers, discounts, etc., in the banner, encouraging the sales team to make an early purchase. If you are working with the development team, then it makes sense to have an email signature banner with new product launches that will interest them. It might result in new orders.
Brand your items. Companies invest a lot in branding. Some branding strategies include branded apparels, branded bags, business cards, letterheads, packaging, invoice and compliments. Your brand represents the company, and utmost care needs to be taken. The best way to brand emails is to have a branded email signature. This creates the best impression of your company. The brand manager must take control of the email signatures and not let every individual design their own personalized email signatures.
Measure the reach of your email signature. After investing so much time and energy in creating a unique email signature, it is essential to measure the same for obtaining success. For any initiative, continuous feedback is a driving force for overall development. To get real-time feedback, you need to capture how your email recipients interact with the banner. Several analytic tools measure the number of visits to your website and the origin email from where the visitor has clicked on the link. This constant feedback helps to improve email signature on a daily/weekly basis.
How to use Sigsync for email signature marketing
Sigsync is a Microsoft approved highly secure, web-based email signature service that centrally manages email signatures and disclaimers for all users in your Office 365 (Microsoft 365) tenant. It is a cost-effective email signature solution that works with all email clients and mobile devices.

- Design a professional e-mail signature for all employees and for every e-mail sent.
- Centrally manage all users’ signatures through a web-based, centralized dashboard without any desktop installations.
- Create professional HTML signatures without any technical background through the signature generator.
- Analyze your marketing strategy using Analytics or OneClick survey.
- Establish email signature campaigns and promote products.
- Drive more traffic by adding your website in signature and generate more leads.

Free Email Signature generator
Free online HTML Email Signature Generator that helps to create professional and visually compelling email signatures by adding your logo, brand colors, contact details and etc.,Conclusion: Boosting sales in your company is a matter of greatest importance when your product wants to see the light of the day. It should be done in a skilful manner without coming across as a salesman who wants to just push his products by hook or crook.
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